Who are the Band Boosters?
The GWHS/SMMS Band Boosters organization is a group of supportive adults who assist, encourage and promote all instrumental music activities of the George Wythe High School & Scott Memorial Middle School Band Programs. If you are a parent or guardian of a band member of GWHS/SMMS then you are a Band Booster.
What do they do?
The Band Boosters’ objective is to assist in providing funds for musical equipment, uniforms (both concert and marching), and any other needs of the band. They also help by volunteering as chaperones, sewing, cooking, planning, building, and selling just about everything known to man and band.
When do they meet?
Regular meetings are held during the school year, usually on the 3rd Tuesday of the month in the GWHS Band Room.
Why should I become involved?
By becoming a member of the Band Boosters or attending booster meetings, you will have first hand knowledge about what is going on with the band and your band student. Your involvement and assistance will allow the band to continue the great achievements and growth that we have experienced the past few years.
What if I can’t be there for every activity?
No Problem! The Boosters understand the importance of other family obligations. Not everyone can be there for everything. However, we do hope that each family can volunteer throughout the year. By doing this, we will not only be able to provide everything needed for our band students, but we will also share in the responsibilities and show our support.
What can I do to help?
There are many opportunities during the year to help. Here are just a few activities that need adult volunteers:
Chaperone: Adult volunteers assist the band at all football games and band competitions. Duties can include serving water, helping with uniforms and instruments, and help ensure the safety of all band students.
Percussion Pit Crew: During football half-time performances and competitions, the percussion equipment must be moved on and off the field in a timely manner. Volunteers are also needed to drive the GWHS MMMB trailer to all band activities. Students can always use more help in loading and unloading the equipment.
Uniform Fitting: Marching Band members will need to be fitted in uniforms over the summer.
Concession Stand: The Band Boosters run the concession stand at home football games at George Wythe High School. We are always in need of workers as well as volunteers to cook chili.
Fundraising and Ways and Means: Each year, the boosters organize activities to raise funds for the general band and student accounts. This includes our two biggest fundraising actualities, football concessions & the George Wythe Band Festival.
Please visit the band website at maroonband.com to check on the band calendar, volunteer or get information on general band operation.